Tuesday, March 31, 2009
So much to blog about, but I ain't got time!
The council rally was quite interesting today, I randomly picked two candidates out of the five cause I really have no idea about who to vote for.
I LOVE MR PHAY!!!! :D Its almost impossible to sleep during his lectures cause he's so entertaining! No wonder he's got a wife, I think his sense of humour is charming enough ha-ha-ha!
What's more, his explanations are clear and the examples are relevant too. I MEAN SERIOUSLY, I UNDERSTOOD ECONS O:
He gives out softtoy keychains as prizes when you answer his questions. There was just a little koala in his hands at first, then he started digging out CJ7 and SPONGEBOB from his pockets after awhile. (oh and the way he said "7-zai" and "spoongebob" was hilarious)
"if you answer ONE question correctly, you get to choose one!"
"if you answer TWO questions, you can exchange it for a BIGGER one!"
"if you get TWO of the big ones, you can exchange it for an even BIGGER one!"
"and if you get FOUR of the BIG ones, you can exchange it for ME!"
ah it'll just take me forever to type all his jokes out.
next point.
Maths and I just DON'T click, everytime I see those numbers, my brain will automatically shut down and I'll doze off. Mind you, I was seriously trying really hard to keep myself AWAKE, but to no avail, of course.
She could obviously tell I was trying real hard cause I was literally FORCING my eyes open with my fingers, hmm.
Ah, so my efforts in trying to stay awake didn't pay off cause she was like, "Emma, are you feeling tired? Stand up, stand up, I don't anybody sleeping in my class"
me: "huh, really ah? okay..."
and she began interrogating me.
her: "why are you so tired?"
me: "Yeah, I woke up at 4 plus this morning..."
her: "Why did you wake up so early?"
me: "cause I fell asleep last night and had to wake up early to do my work"
her: "what time did you sleep?"
me: "I think I fell asleep at 11 plus..."
her: "why so late?"
me: "I reached home at 8 plus yesterday night..."
her: "WHY SO LATE?"
me: "I had lessons till 7 plus...."
me: "art..."
her: "oh, art. do you remember I told you I had 2 art students last year who kept themselves so busy with their work that they ignored maths? Both of them didn't do well in the end. You better cope."
Standing up DID work, though. I THINK the rest thought it was embarrassing for me cause they gave me weird looks after the lesson. But frankly speaking, I didn't find it the least bit embarrasing cause it freaking worked O:
Okay its actually my time management skills, I better get myself to C-O-N-C-E-N-T-R-A-T-E or I'll really be dead meat.
Easier said than done. Mr Chan once said to me that "old habits die hard" and I'm beginning to think its really true.
First thing to do is get off the com and start on my PW research/study for georaphy.
(I screwed my sculpture module too D:)
(wow I have such great procrastination skills I'll say bye for real!)
The council rally was quite interesting today, I randomly picked two candidates out of the five cause I really have no idea about who to vote for.
I LOVE MR PHAY!!!! :D Its almost impossible to sleep during his lectures cause he's so entertaining! No wonder he's got a wife, I think his sense of humour is charming enough ha-ha-ha!
What's more, his explanations are clear and the examples are relevant too. I MEAN SERIOUSLY, I UNDERSTOOD ECONS O:
He gives out softtoy keychains as prizes when you answer his questions. There was just a little koala in his hands at first, then he started digging out CJ7 and SPONGEBOB from his pockets after awhile. (oh and the way he said "7-zai" and "spoongebob" was hilarious)
"if you answer ONE question correctly, you get to choose one!"
"if you answer TWO questions, you can exchange it for a BIGGER one!"
"if you get TWO of the big ones, you can exchange it for an even BIGGER one!"
"and if you get FOUR of the BIG ones, you can exchange it for ME!"
ah it'll just take me forever to type all his jokes out.
next point.
Maths and I just DON'T click, everytime I see those numbers, my brain will automatically shut down and I'll doze off. Mind you, I was seriously trying really hard to keep myself AWAKE, but to no avail, of course.
She could obviously tell I was trying real hard cause I was literally FORCING my eyes open with my fingers, hmm.
Ah, so my efforts in trying to stay awake didn't pay off cause she was like, "Emma, are you feeling tired? Stand up, stand up, I don't anybody sleeping in my class"
me: "huh, really ah? okay..."
and she began interrogating me.
her: "why are you so tired?"
me: "Yeah, I woke up at 4 plus this morning..."
her: "Why did you wake up so early?"
me: "cause I fell asleep last night and had to wake up early to do my work"
her: "what time did you sleep?"
me: "I think I fell asleep at 11 plus..."
her: "why so late?"
me: "I reached home at 8 plus yesterday night..."
her: "WHY SO LATE?"
me: "I had lessons till 7 plus...."
me: "art..."
her: "oh, art. do you remember I told you I had 2 art students last year who kept themselves so busy with their work that they ignored maths? Both of them didn't do well in the end. You better cope."
Standing up DID work, though. I THINK the rest thought it was embarrassing for me cause they gave me weird looks after the lesson. But frankly speaking, I didn't find it the least bit embarrasing cause it freaking worked O:
Okay its actually my time management skills, I better get myself to C-O-N-C-E-N-T-R-A-T-E or I'll really be dead meat.
Easier said than done. Mr Chan once said to me that "old habits die hard" and I'm beginning to think its really true.
First thing to do is get off the com and start on my PW research/study for georaphy.
(I screwed my sculpture module too D:)
(wow I have such great procrastination skills I'll say bye for real!)
Monday, March 30, 2009
I'll take my clothes off & it wouldn't be shameless, cause everyone knows that's how you get famous
No, I don't mean that, its from a song.
I apologize for the lack of decent posts recently, its just that I haven't been carrying my camera around and I always end up falling asleep right after dinner when I get home.
Yeah, its irritating because I can never get any work done.
While I'm currently suffering from writer's block, here are a few songs by Lily Allen.
This short-term lily craze started when I came across the "making of THE FEAR" on MTV. I heard it somewhere else before, but it was the MV that make me click on the "play" button on youtube again and again (and again and again)
The fear's an awesome song, the lyrics make sense.
(ashley & I spent quite some time looking for her videos and lyrics LOL)
Better than "p-p-p-poker face p-p-poker face" or "na, na, na, na, na, na, I wanna start a fight" at least. Admittedly, these two songs are rather catchy and great for dancing (or creating the atmosphere) although I do not like songs of that kind or genre AT ALL.
Lily Allen - The Fear
Love the theme/colours of the MV.
"I don't know what's right and what's real anymore"
1) She's pretty.
Lily Allen - Not fair.
Also from her latest album "Its not me, its you". Think its the second greatest hit from this album & rather catchy too :D
2) I love her (british) accent
Lily Allen - Smile
this one's from her debut album "alright, still", but I posted this up because the video is so...bitchy O:
Just watch the whole video, this song's been in my com for a million years.
3) her songs are unique
Lily Allen - Littlest Things
From her previous album too. Some parts of it reminds me of a certain Jay Chou song. I'm too lazy to remember which song, do leave a tag if you get what I mean.
Lily Allen - Alfie
This song's been lying in my computer for AGES too, cute tune, cute MV! Unfortunately, it wasn't the song that made me search for more lily songs. (Ashley and I like the puppet though!)
Italy vs Europe
Watch its very funny!! credits to Ashley (or her teacher)
Italy vs Europe - Differences
K goodnight I'll be coming home at 8 plus tomorrow.
No, I don't mean that, its from a song.
I apologize for the lack of decent posts recently, its just that I haven't been carrying my camera around and I always end up falling asleep right after dinner when I get home.
Yeah, its irritating because I can never get any work done.
While I'm currently suffering from writer's block, here are a few songs by Lily Allen.
This short-term lily craze started when I came across the "making of THE FEAR" on MTV. I heard it somewhere else before, but it was the MV that make me click on the "play" button on youtube again and again (and again and again)
The fear's an awesome song, the lyrics make sense.
(ashley & I spent quite some time looking for her videos and lyrics LOL)
Better than "p-p-p-poker face p-p-poker face" or "na, na, na, na, na, na, I wanna start a fight" at least. Admittedly, these two songs are rather catchy and great for dancing (or creating the atmosphere) although I do not like songs of that kind or genre AT ALL.
Lily Allen - The Fear
Love the theme/colours of the MV.
"I don't know what's right and what's real anymore"
1) She's pretty.
Lily Allen - Not fair.
Also from her latest album "Its not me, its you". Think its the second greatest hit from this album & rather catchy too :D
2) I love her (british) accent
Lily Allen - Smile
this one's from her debut album "alright, still", but I posted this up because the video is so...bitchy O:
Just watch the whole video, this song's been in my com for a million years.
3) her songs are unique
Lily Allen - Littlest Things
From her previous album too. Some parts of it reminds me of a certain Jay Chou song. I'm too lazy to remember which song, do leave a tag if you get what I mean.
Lily Allen - Alfie
This song's been lying in my computer for AGES too, cute tune, cute MV! Unfortunately, it wasn't the song that made me search for more lily songs. (Ashley and I like the puppet though!)
Italy vs Europe
Watch its very funny!! credits to Ashley (or her teacher)
Italy vs Europe - Differences
K goodnight I'll be coming home at 8 plus tomorrow.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Shake shake, shake shake, shake it!
Yesterday night with the girls was a blast! :D
(we shall do this every friday fortnight!)
Get-high songs are great for dancing/singing (on the bed) & triangles/castanets/shakers make good instruments! I should hang some kind of disco ball in my room (think: BIG styrofoam ball & small mirror squares) cause it'll beat dancing in the darkness.
Which was, of course, great enough :P
The cleaning-up part wasn't nice though, much thanks to anna and kaiying who stayed till 11plus to help me with the dishes! Dried up curry sauce and vermicilli are gross D:
Choya + ice = LOVE
ice yoghurt pops = :D
Annia Hsu you have to come/go somebody else's house the next time round k! ^_^ (congrats for getting in, btw!)
Yesterday night with the girls was a blast! :D
(we shall do this every friday fortnight!)
Get-high songs are great for dancing/singing (on the bed) & triangles/castanets/shakers make good instruments! I should hang some kind of disco ball in my room (think: BIG styrofoam ball & small mirror squares) cause it'll beat dancing in the darkness.
Which was, of course, great enough :P
The cleaning-up part wasn't nice though, much thanks to anna and kaiying who stayed till 11plus to help me with the dishes! Dried up curry sauce and vermicilli are gross D:
Choya + ice = LOVE
ice yoghurt pops = :D
Annia Hsu you have to come/go somebody else's house the next time round k! ^_^ (congrats for getting in, btw!)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Ah, I survived today. (note: I didn't sleep at all last night besides those 15 minute naps)
I better score well for that 1000 word geography report (actually I ended up writing 1700) ...I just got serious DARK EYE CIRCLES cause of the sleepless nights D:
Reached home at 830 after band. Nicolette walked with me to the 72 bus stop even though it was the longer way awww. Anyway, her bus arrived 5 seconds after she sms-ed Iris HAHA. (she still owes me a bag of LAYS chips :D)
In the morning, I was too busy rushing the last bit of the sculpture out AND the geog tutorial. PE was spent running the WILLRUN route (1km each) twice, good training for our august 10 km run but I didn't give it my best shot today. too tired. :X We did skipping too, it was fun :)
= ?
AHS is probably in love with holding planting ceremonies for EVERYTHING. Peixuan just told me that they held a COW PLANTING CEREMONY TODAY (wow we used to call a certain teacher "COW" didn't we?)
you can just imagine my reaction:
(R) PEIXUAN says:
oh and i tell you something interesting
today we had a cow planting ceremony
2d'06 EMMAANNAEMMA! ANNAEMMAANNA! (: struggling. dying. Dead. says:
(R) PEIXUAN says:
it's super dumb i tell you
2d'06 EMMAANNAEMMA! ANNAEMMAANNA! (: struggling. dying. Dead. says:
(R) PEIXUAN says:
haha YES
2d'06 EMMAANNAEMMA! ANNAEMMAANNA! (: struggling. dying. Dead. says:
(R) PEIXUAN says:
BUT it's a cow made of wood haha actually there are 6 =D
I wanna go!
ahs has planting ceremonies for everything
(R) PEIXUAN says:
they plant it the grass patch at the parade square there
so that students would not step on it
how big is the cow o_O
(R) PEIXUAN says:
1 meter plus it's actually a cow head with a wooden plank sticking downwards =)
oh, and time for some INTERESTING INFORMATION:
(R) PEIXUAN says:
oh and dr boon wanted to act sexy today
she wore a skirt that has a slit that goes way up high
and guess where the slit is?
does she always act sexy nowadays o_O
(R) PEIXUAN says:
haha guess where the slit is as in which part of her skirt
(R) PEIXUAN says:
what about her panties?
(R) PEIXUAN says:
it was rather tight..
i guess her panties couldnt be seen hahaha =D
maybe she wasn't wearing anything
(R) PEIXUAN says:
oh yeah MAYBE =D
(R) PEIXUAN says:
oh and ms cheong is away now
(R) PEIXUAN says:
cos she went to do some eye operation hee =D
so she did something about her eye huh :X
that means she can read faster now
which means she can give school more INTERESTING plans
(R) PEIXUAN says:
oh shit
2d'06 EMMAANNAEMMA! ANNAEMMAANNA! (: struggling. dying. Dead. says:
which means you guys'll have more work :D
yeah AHS juniors watch out, the evil cheong will come haunt you with her new improvement plans soon 8D
Man, I miss Ahs SO MUCH after listening to these crappy, lame and stupid activities they have now. I still remember how I was SO against buying the 10 buck calendar, the food there, the teachers (YES OMG I MISS MR. POH CAN YOU FREAKING BELIEVE IT), the school campus...
that morning 5- minute song (they use it as the SR olympics theme now)..
taking pictures of everything....
watching the guys destroy the celing in class....
observing a whole class of PCC-ers (play chinese chess)....
I miss life.
I better score well for that 1000 word geography report (actually I ended up writing 1700) ...I just got serious DARK EYE CIRCLES cause of the sleepless nights D:
Reached home at 830 after band. Nicolette walked with me to the 72 bus stop even though it was the longer way awww. Anyway, her bus arrived 5 seconds after she sms-ed Iris HAHA. (she still owes me a bag of LAYS chips :D)
In the morning, I was too busy rushing the last bit of the sculpture out AND the geog tutorial. PE was spent running the WILLRUN route (1km each) twice, good training for our august 10 km run but I didn't give it my best shot today. too tired. :X We did skipping too, it was fun :)

= ?
AHS is probably in love with holding planting ceremonies for EVERYTHING. Peixuan just told me that they held a COW PLANTING CEREMONY TODAY (wow we used to call a certain teacher "COW" didn't we?)
you can just imagine my reaction:
(R) PEIXUAN says:
oh and i tell you something interesting
today we had a cow planting ceremony
2d'06 EMMAANNAEMMA! ANNAEMMAANNA! (: struggling. dying. Dead. says:
(R) PEIXUAN says:
it's super dumb i tell you
2d'06 EMMAANNAEMMA! ANNAEMMAANNA! (: struggling. dying. Dead. says:
(R) PEIXUAN says:
haha YES
2d'06 EMMAANNAEMMA! ANNAEMMAANNA! (: struggling. dying. Dead. says:
(R) PEIXUAN says:
BUT it's a cow made of wood haha actually there are 6 =D
I wanna go!
ahs has planting ceremonies for everything
(R) PEIXUAN says:
they plant it the grass patch at the parade square there
so that students would not step on it
how big is the cow o_O
(R) PEIXUAN says:
1 meter plus it's actually a cow head with a wooden plank sticking downwards =)
oh, and time for some INTERESTING INFORMATION:
(R) PEIXUAN says:
oh and dr boon wanted to act sexy today
she wore a skirt that has a slit that goes way up high
and guess where the slit is?
does she always act sexy nowadays o_O
(R) PEIXUAN says:
haha guess where the slit is as in which part of her skirt
(R) PEIXUAN says:
what about her panties?
(R) PEIXUAN says:
it was rather tight..
i guess her panties couldnt be seen hahaha =D
maybe she wasn't wearing anything
(R) PEIXUAN says:
oh yeah MAYBE =D
(R) PEIXUAN says:
oh and ms cheong is away now
(R) PEIXUAN says:
cos she went to do some eye operation hee =D
so she did something about her eye huh :X
that means she can read faster now
which means she can give school more INTERESTING plans
(R) PEIXUAN says:
oh shit
2d'06 EMMAANNAEMMA! ANNAEMMAANNA! (: struggling. dying. Dead. says:
which means you guys'll have more work :D
yeah AHS juniors watch out, the evil cheong will come haunt you with her new improvement plans soon 8D
Man, I miss Ahs SO MUCH after listening to these crappy, lame and stupid activities they have now. I still remember how I was SO against buying the 10 buck calendar, the food there, the teachers (YES OMG I MISS MR. POH CAN YOU FREAKING BELIEVE IT), the school campus...
that morning 5- minute song (they use it as the SR olympics theme now)..
taking pictures of everything....
watching the guys destroy the celing in class....
observing a whole class of PCC-ers (play chinese chess)....
I miss life.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
6am in the morning and I'm still up. I think I only managed to get an hour of rest, and it doesn't help that it consisted of four 15-minute naps.
But it did help that I skipped school today and slept till 12pm (how else would I be able to stay awake for so long?) I dreamt that I'd only skip maths lessons and told my mom it would be fine to skip school... only to realise it wasn't true after I checked the timetable when I got out of bed -.- Whatever. Its my much-needed rest anyway.
Monday had been rather horrible - I stayed till 8pm in school to complete my sculpture because Ms Kwa made me repaint the whole thing (along with a few of my classmates). The sky was COMPLETELY dark when we got out of the art room, linette and I couldn't even see where the dustbin was.
I do admit it looked abit plain when it was all grey (wanted to make it look like stone), and it was a last-minute piece of work because (the door was locked on saturday and I went back to school for nothing, remember?) I only painted the entire thing and added on some parts within the 3.5 hours during free period yesterday. But well, the end product wasn't very nice either, damn the scupture module.
Yup, so I reached home at around 9 for dinner, talked a teeny bit online and fell asleep on my mom's bed.
That was when I dreamt about missing ONLY maths lessons and told my mom at 5 am that it was fine for me to not go to school. haha. I found 2 other friends who skipped school today though :P
Funny thing is, I'll REALLY get sick in the middle of the day everytmie I skip school. It was a runny nose and a little bit of diarrhoea today ):
half an hour more before I leave the house -- better print my VERY LONG geography proposal out.
Sorry for the boring posts recently, it will remain so until I get to practice proper time management (and STOP slacking and slacking before the computer in the day) D:
At least the girls will be coming to my place for dinner on friday ;D
But it did help that I skipped school today and slept till 12pm (how else would I be able to stay awake for so long?) I dreamt that I'd only skip maths lessons and told my mom it would be fine to skip school... only to realise it wasn't true after I checked the timetable when I got out of bed -.- Whatever. Its my much-needed rest anyway.
Monday had been rather horrible - I stayed till 8pm in school to complete my sculpture because Ms Kwa made me repaint the whole thing (along with a few of my classmates). The sky was COMPLETELY dark when we got out of the art room, linette and I couldn't even see where the dustbin was.
I do admit it looked abit plain when it was all grey (wanted to make it look like stone), and it was a last-minute piece of work because (the door was locked on saturday and I went back to school for nothing, remember?) I only painted the entire thing and added on some parts within the 3.5 hours during free period yesterday. But well, the end product wasn't very nice either, damn the scupture module.
Yup, so I reached home at around 9 for dinner, talked a teeny bit online and fell asleep on my mom's bed.
That was when I dreamt about missing ONLY maths lessons and told my mom at 5 am that it was fine for me to not go to school. haha. I found 2 other friends who skipped school today though :P
Funny thing is, I'll REALLY get sick in the middle of the day everytmie I skip school. It was a runny nose and a little bit of diarrhoea today ):
half an hour more before I leave the house -- better print my VERY LONG geography proposal out.
Sorry for the boring posts recently, it will remain so until I get to practice proper time management (and STOP slacking and slacking before the computer in the day) D:
At least the girls will be coming to my place for dinner on friday ;D
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Homework's undone (:D/D:)!
What's left: Everything besides geog tutorial.
At least I completed my geog tutorial and read abit of the notes at the airport today! Gosh, I missed the airport so much! Don't ever eat redbean and rice from Popeye's though, its gross.
Anna Kaiying & I stayed till 10 plus while Ashley had to leave at 6. Got myself a new backpack before our trip to the airport, Ashley and I had cupnoodles for lunch at my place before that!
Ah, I'm not looking forward to tomorrow.
Anna, honorable frogs that die with no regrets crack me up :D
Haha I think its time to continue my research on Henri Matisse ): (yeah screw geog for the moment)
Bobby Darin - Beyond the sea.
:D (terie are you reading this??)
What's left: Everything besides geog tutorial.
At least I completed my geog tutorial and read abit of the notes at the airport today! Gosh, I missed the airport so much! Don't ever eat redbean and rice from Popeye's though, its gross.
Anna Kaiying & I stayed till 10 plus while Ashley had to leave at 6. Got myself a new backpack before our trip to the airport, Ashley and I had cupnoodles for lunch at my place before that!
Ah, I'm not looking forward to tomorrow.
Anna, honorable frogs that die with no regrets crack me up :D
Haha I think its time to continue my research on Henri Matisse ): (yeah screw geog for the moment)
Bobby Darin - Beyond the sea.
:D (terie are you reading this??)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
I've some random pictures to post.
(and I'm really tempted to tell the teachers my hamsters ate my homework, haha!)
THERE'LL BE UNIQLO AND BAKERZIN AND SUBWAY AT THE NEW TAMPINES 1!!! (all my favourite stores opening next month!)
click on link to view list of stores.
plus Cold storage, topshop, outfitter girls and EVERYTHING. (oh and a swimming pool too)
Book me for a bakerzin date (we can go shopping at uniqlo after that, eat carl's jnr or something for dinner, get subway cookies for supper and perhaps chat till midnight at starbucks!)
I'll start saving up for THE AWESOME bakerzin cakes and uniqlo clothes (all three of my newest jackets are from uniqlo LOL) :P
random pictures:
(I shouldn't have used the rough paper as the bg -.- graph paper esp O: AHH NOW I SEE MATHS EVERYWHERE.)

hmm, what's that? (pardon the bubbles I think that was my first attempt in making these stained glass stickers)

ah, love's a scary bloody thingy (the 'blood' is from my FAILED attempt at making a stained glass rabbit back in pri 3 LOL)

love is in the air..

it creeps into you even before you realise it..

love struck!! bzzt!

This one reminds me of ponyo :D

thes are actually the piano's reflections O: (my mom stuck coloured paper onto the egg .__. wait, now its a chicken)

this one too. Difference between and reflection and the real thing isn't too big huh O:
There was a rainbow outside my house today! Didn't get a very good view of it from my room D:

Normal mode

sunset mode

dawn/dusk mode (it was beginning to disappear by then)
& I still love clear blue skies after the rain ^_^
Goodnight everybody I shall try to complete most of my work tomorrow while studying with Anna Ash and Ky! :D
(and I'm really tempted to tell the teachers my hamsters ate my homework, haha!)
THERE'LL BE UNIQLO AND BAKERZIN AND SUBWAY AT THE NEW TAMPINES 1!!! (all my favourite stores opening next month!)
click on link to view list of stores.
plus Cold storage, topshop, outfitter girls and EVERYTHING. (oh and a swimming pool too)
Book me for a bakerzin date (we can go shopping at uniqlo after that, eat carl's jnr or something for dinner, get subway cookies for supper and perhaps chat till midnight at starbucks!)
I'll start saving up for THE AWESOME bakerzin cakes and uniqlo clothes (all three of my newest jackets are from uniqlo LOL) :P
random pictures:
(I shouldn't have used the rough paper as the bg -.- graph paper esp O: AHH NOW I SEE MATHS EVERYWHERE.)
hmm, what's that? (pardon the bubbles I think that was my first attempt in making these stained glass stickers)
ah, love's a scary bloody thingy (the 'blood' is from my FAILED attempt at making a stained glass rabbit back in pri 3 LOL)
love is in the air..
it creeps into you even before you realise it..
love struck!! bzzt!
This one reminds me of ponyo :D
thes are actually the piano's reflections O: (my mom stuck coloured paper onto the egg .__. wait, now its a chicken)
this one too. Difference between and reflection and the real thing isn't too big huh O:
There was a rainbow outside my house today! Didn't get a very good view of it from my room D:
Normal mode
sunset mode
dawn/dusk mode (it was beginning to disappear by then)
& I still love clear blue skies after the rain ^_^
Goodnight everybody I shall try to complete most of my work tomorrow while studying with Anna Ash and Ky! :D
Friday, March 20, 2009
Back from band camp!
I'm hungry but too tired to get out of the house to buy food :(
The gallery is a really romantic place at night (Nicolette, Olivia and I went up there while the rest were perspiring in front of the bbq pits in school 8D)
A bunch of us did the college dance on the track during the bbq.
The cold, hard concrete floor does NOT make a good bed.
I played the flute for a really long time today. We were on our own, but it was satisfying :D
At least I'm free from yucky (cold) lunches.
More updates later.
I'm hungry but too tired to get out of the house to buy food :(
The gallery is a really romantic place at night (Nicolette, Olivia and I went up there while the rest were perspiring in front of the bbq pits in school 8D)
A bunch of us did the college dance on the track during the bbq.
The cold, hard concrete floor does NOT make a good bed.
I played the flute for a really long time today. We were on our own, but it was satisfying :D
At least I'm free from yucky (cold) lunches.
More updates later.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Its a cold monday night,
& not a very accomplishing day thanks to the com. (more like facebook, just look at the amount of notes I've done today)
Kaiying and Riane came over for awhile for a surprise vist (:D),
Kenny James Trio [utada hikaru jazz collections] owns all.
Need to go back to school at 10 tomorrow for something,
econs lectures from 1130 to 230 with an hour break,
completing my sculpture till...5 plus, perhaps?
VERY GLAD that my sculpture module would be over after thursday (I think). It kills me. Michelangelo must be a genius. But then again, he does stone carvings. Plaster of paris = irritating.
Things to do tomorrow: complete geog tutorial, pack for camp, research on Henri Matisse.
(hope I'll seeyou, I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!)
That's about it,
I love meiji strawberry marshmallows and clear blue skies after the rain :)
Its a cold monday night,
& not a very accomplishing day thanks to the com. (more like facebook, just look at the amount of notes I've done today)
Kaiying and Riane came over for awhile for a surprise vist (:D),
Kenny James Trio [utada hikaru jazz collections] owns all.
Need to go back to school at 10 tomorrow for something,
econs lectures from 1130 to 230 with an hour break,
completing my sculpture till...5 plus, perhaps?
VERY GLAD that my sculpture module would be over after thursday (I think). It kills me. Michelangelo must be a genius. But then again, he does stone carvings. Plaster of paris = irritating.
Things to do tomorrow: complete geog tutorial, pack for camp, research on Henri Matisse.
(hope I'll seeyou, I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!)
That's about it,
I love meiji strawberry marshmallows and clear blue skies after the rain :)
A wishing star might have sailed across the sky yesterday evening, cause...
and it wasn't a small sum, 20 bucks!! (thanks girl :D)
The girl who still owes me 48 bucks, the rational buyer, the one who spends xx bucks per week, and the one who always kopes food from other people...treated us to kfc!
(after hanging around in bugis for 4 hours (after church), waiting at MOS, walking from A&BC to muji and back again, looking for landyards....)
So we all know you're a really generous person at heart eh :P. We were touching her forehead half the time to check if she was really sick LOL.

Anna's treat! :D
but you know what's the cutest thing about her? She let us choose whatever we wanted but bought a student meal for herself haha! (man, you'll make a GREAT mom)
she also took out a marker and a calculator right after we bought our food LOL! (which tells us how precious this free meal is ^_^ everything comes with an opportunity cost, eh?)
there was still $3.50 left lol.

Her lifeless eyes HAHA.

Anna: "*looks at food* ...I wonder how I'll survive next week..."

Anna: *shudder* "I'm trying hard not to imagine going on an empty stomach next week..."

Anna: "YUMMMM"

Random one :P


Anna: "eh, so fast no more fries already ah?"
(notice the mickey mouse ears)

Anna: "eh careful later drink spill!!"
After that, she even let me buy a mochi!

I got strawberry darkchocolate chip! (heavenly!) THANKYOU ANNALIM! :D (sorry for spending so much on that ONE mochi)

ashley likes this one LOL. (doesn't it look like some cell)

that's all there is, there isn't anymore.
and it wasn't a small sum, 20 bucks!! (thanks girl :D)
The girl who still owes me 48 bucks, the rational buyer, the one who spends xx bucks per week, and the one who always kopes food from other people...treated us to kfc!
(after hanging around in bugis for 4 hours (after church), waiting at MOS, walking from A&BC to muji and back again, looking for landyards....)
So we all know you're a really generous person at heart eh :P. We were touching her forehead half the time to check if she was really sick LOL.
Anna's treat! :D
but you know what's the cutest thing about her? She let us choose whatever we wanted but bought a student meal for herself haha! (man, you'll make a GREAT mom)
she also took out a marker and a calculator right after we bought our food LOL! (which tells us how precious this free meal is ^_^ everything comes with an opportunity cost, eh?)
there was still $3.50 left lol.
Her lifeless eyes HAHA.
Anna: "*looks at food* ...I wonder how I'll survive next week..."
Anna: *shudder* "I'm trying hard not to imagine going on an empty stomach next week..."
Anna: "YUMMMM"
Random one :P
Anna: "eh, so fast no more fries already ah?"
(notice the mickey mouse ears)
Anna: "eh careful later drink spill!!"
After that, she even let me buy a mochi!
I got strawberry darkchocolate chip! (heavenly!) THANKYOU ANNALIM! :D (sorry for spending so much on that ONE mochi)
ashley likes this one LOL. (doesn't it look like some cell)
that's all there is, there isn't anymore.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
I watched slumdog Millionaire again this evening.

The last word you should use to describe the movie is "awesome" because it is too good for the word awesome. Besides, it spoils the mood. The film makes you feel so much for them.
My favourite part was when Jamal kissed Latika's scar, and when she said "Run? where to? and live out of what?", then Jamal answered "Love".
Oh, and when jamal answered "I only tell the truth when asked for answers" to the question "Why do you admit to murder but not fraud?" I can't remember the exact words .__.
Happy endings are great, I feel slightly sorry for Salim's death cause he helped Jamal and Latika in the end. But then again, he had been far too evil...I change my mind. Funniest scene was when the young Jamal (ULTIMATE CUTENESS) jumped into a whole pool of shit and pee just to get the Actor's autograph. :P
The host in the show is such a hypocrite.
The real India is also much poorer than portrayed in the film.
Well, there's just ONE thing troubling me. At the end of the movie, they showed "D: it is written", I know its the answer to the question at the very start of the show, but what does it mean?
I've tried searching the internet but there were so many answers, I don't know which one to take. Ideas, anyone?
Jai Ho, by A R Rahman, won an oscar.
(young Jamal dancing with young latika = adorable!)
Anna sent me THIS LINK just this afternoon, watch it, its hilarious! A remake of Jai Ho by a group of Temasek poly students. I wonder how they managed to do the dances on the mrt and bus???
Lastly, this song is deeply moving.
Latika's theme.
Enjoy :D

The last word you should use to describe the movie is "awesome" because it is too good for the word awesome. Besides, it spoils the mood. The film makes you feel so much for them.
My favourite part was when Jamal kissed Latika's scar, and when she said "Run? where to? and live out of what?", then Jamal answered "Love".
Oh, and when jamal answered "I only tell the truth when asked for answers" to the question "Why do you admit to murder but not fraud?" I can't remember the exact words .__.
Happy endings are great, I feel slightly sorry for Salim's death cause he helped Jamal and Latika in the end. But then again, he had been far too evil...I change my mind. Funniest scene was when the young Jamal (ULTIMATE CUTENESS) jumped into a whole pool of shit and pee just to get the Actor's autograph. :P
The host in the show is such a hypocrite.
The real India is also much poorer than portrayed in the film.
Well, there's just ONE thing troubling me. At the end of the movie, they showed "D: it is written", I know its the answer to the question at the very start of the show, but what does it mean?
I've tried searching the internet but there were so many answers, I don't know which one to take. Ideas, anyone?
Jai Ho, by A R Rahman, won an oscar.
(young Jamal dancing with young latika = adorable!)
Anna sent me THIS LINK just this afternoon, watch it, its hilarious! A remake of Jai Ho by a group of Temasek poly students. I wonder how they managed to do the dances on the mrt and bus???
Lastly, this song is deeply moving.
Latika's theme.
Enjoy :D
Friday, March 13, 2009
Its finally the last day of term 1!
I've got a rather packed schedule next week;
monday -
tuesday - econs lecture 1130 to 1430, staying back for art afterwards
wed - band camp
thursday - art make-up lesson, band camp
friday - band camp
That's 4 days in school aint' that great ):
Not like I can change cca anymore rah. I have come to a conclusion that more air is required to blow the flute as compared to the clarinet or EVEN the oboe. & there isn't anybody to help us now since its the syf period, still trying hard to improve on my own. At least I can play a few notes from Overture no. 1 huh -.- Note: few.
Wilson's staying in jc after IDK HOW MANY WEEKS OF INDECISIVENESS :D woohoo now minority gang won't be odd numbered anymore! Ah, but that's another nuisance during GP lessons LOL. He sabos me during every lesson and that's uh.. great. NOT!
I'll aim to complete the SRGCE proposal by tomorrow IF they ever go by a first-come-first-serve basis. EH DAMMIT LAH WHY IS EVERYBODY SIGNING UP FOR JAPAN I'M DESPERATE TO GO. I don't care if I'll be all alone with no classmates or whatever, I DON'T CARE.
School's fun and we better start mugging k, 1A07! (actually I'm the one amongst all of you who needs this the most) Love you guys :D (stupid yaya I'm not amma)
If you want pictures there are some on facebook, I'm currently too lazy to post 8D
Nadiah: LOL were there really pictures of the portable toilets on facebook?!
{LOL nopee, I just heard about them, THERE ARE PICTURE OF THEM HERE NOW HAHA}
anna: hello emma im using your comp and your keyboard is small and you're outside watching slumdog nowi i think it's e most awesome show ever hahahah
anna: Hahahah totally girltalked! LOL
{hello anna my keyboard's better than the old one and YES ITS THE MOST AWESOME SHOW EVER! :D girltalked to the max haha!}
yahui: see you for dinner later.. i'm just at the opp room. DROP BY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
{HAHA OMG SORRY I DIDN'T! come over soon k! ;D}
leongying`: haha I live just inside the place you took the picture at eunos at
{Serious! THE ONE RIGHT OUTSIDE MRT? its so beautiful gosh!}
yeNi: I can't strike anything off my list yet but its time to sleep, <<<< src="http://www.cbox.ws/smilies/3/grin.gif" alt=":D" border="0">
{HAHA works damn well doesn't it :P I end up doing everything during free periods lol! Its at least better than falling alseep O:}
{YEAH DAMN AWESOME RIGHT THAT'S THE REASON WHY I WANTED TO GO TO JAPAN!! Hope I'll pass the interviews & you can have the pictures LOL. Imagine seeing a life-size chihiro or something :D}
k i'm tired goodnight byebye seeyou.
I've got a rather packed schedule next week;
monday -
tuesday - econs lecture 1130 to 1430, staying back for art afterwards
wed - band camp
thursday - art make-up lesson, band camp
friday - band camp
That's 4 days in school aint' that great ):
Not like I can change cca anymore rah. I have come to a conclusion that more air is required to blow the flute as compared to the clarinet or EVEN the oboe. & there isn't anybody to help us now since its the syf period, still trying hard to improve on my own. At least I can play a few notes from Overture no. 1 huh -.- Note: few.
Wilson's staying in jc after IDK HOW MANY WEEKS OF INDECISIVENESS :D woohoo now minority gang won't be odd numbered anymore! Ah, but that's another nuisance during GP lessons LOL. He sabos me during every lesson and that's uh.. great. NOT!
I'll aim to complete the SRGCE proposal by tomorrow IF they ever go by a first-come-first-serve basis. EH DAMMIT LAH WHY IS EVERYBODY SIGNING UP FOR JAPAN I'M DESPERATE TO GO. I don't care if I'll be all alone with no classmates or whatever, I DON'T CARE.
School's fun and we better start mugging k, 1A07! (actually I'm the one amongst all of you who needs this the most) Love you guys :D (stupid yaya I'm not amma)
If you want pictures there are some on facebook, I'm currently too lazy to post 8D
Nadiah: LOL were there really pictures of the portable toilets on facebook?!
{LOL nopee, I just heard about them, THERE ARE PICTURE OF THEM HERE NOW HAHA}
anna: hello emma im using your comp and your keyboard is small and you're outside watching slumdog nowi i think it's e most awesome show ever hahahah
anna: Hahahah totally girltalked! LOL
{hello anna my keyboard's better than the old one and YES ITS THE MOST AWESOME SHOW EVER! :D girltalked to the max haha!}
yahui: see you for dinner later.. i'm just at the opp room. DROP BY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{HAHA OMG SORRY I DIDN'T! come over soon k! ;D}
leongying`: haha I live just inside the place you took the picture at eunos at

{Serious! THE ONE RIGHT OUTSIDE MRT? its so beautiful gosh!}
yeNi: I can't strike anything off my list yet but its time to sleep, <<<< src="http://www.cbox.ws/smilies/3/grin.gif" alt=":D" border="0">
{HAHA works damn well doesn't it :P I end up doing everything during free periods lol! Its at least better than falling alseep O:}
{YEAH DAMN AWESOME RIGHT THAT'S THE REASON WHY I WANTED TO GO TO JAPAN!! Hope I'll pass the interviews & you can have the pictures LOL. Imagine seeing a life-size chihiro or something :D}
k i'm tired goodnight byebye seeyou.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Am feeling rather amused over something :P
The last few days passed by at the speed of light; its already wednesday! I don't see myself as a very hardworking student yet, but I'm working on it! The math quiz yesterday didn't go TOO well, because conditional probability kills me. If you thought probability in sec 4 was out to kill...goodluck. (applicable to me)
Clumsy (and to a very small extent, ditsy) should be the word to describe me yesterday (or perhaps the day before). o_O
Firstly, I keep dropping my stuff at the lecture theatres (dropped my watch a level below me and had to get into an unglam pose to retrieve it. Thing was, the teacher was on that seat below mine)
Secondly, Syairah and Ebenezer witnessed my unglam fall on monday RIGHT before Sova lessons (Study of Visual Arts. Basically, its art theory). I swear that was embarrassing as hell. It was kinda drizzling that day, so I tried to run across a path to the next building. Thing was, the floor was wet.
I slipped and fell just before I could reach the next building; lecture books fell out of my hands and I forgot what kind of unglam position I was in before I crossed my legs and covered my face for around 5 seconds hahaha. Good thing my skirt didn't get wet and they look like they're gonna forget all about it in a weeks' time (at least I hope so).
Yeah, so that's fine. Its just a fall :P
Thirdly, I was rather hyperactive yesterday and my classmates said I was crazy ): I DIDN'T ACTUALLY FEEL I WAS UNTIL YOU GUYS SAID THAT OKAY. No guys, it WASN'T cause of the bus trip in the morning. -.- Happy's the word, okay.

1) Imitating accents are kinda amusing and entertaining. Throughout the day, I was trying to sound like M**K** ("if you don't brrrrrrrrinnnng your lecture notes, you'll have to stand at the back of the class!") and did alot of American/Malay/Indian/Chinese/Spanish/Australian accents. LOL.
2) I followed my classmates to their chinese lit class (and studied geog cause my back was facing the screen D:).
3) The only thing I can remember about Glenda yesterday = her laughter. That's good yo, just that the picture of moo-ing cows kept creeping into my mind cause of that. I think she was talking about her trip to somewhere and she only remembered seeing ALOT of cows there hahaha. Bekloo's laughter really contagious too ROFL she's damn funny.
4) Before maths tutorial, Ashiqin, Nadia, Atiqah, Syairah (and basically most of the girls including me) became victims of wilson's ever-so-zai hand slapping skills. You know the game where you play scissorspaperstone and the winner gets to hit the opponent? yeah. One slap on the back of my hand caused it to be red. Mindyou, it felt like a sting.
5) CT period was fine, I am gonna apply for SRGCE (global classroom experience)! Sadly, I don't get the full subsidies cause my L1R5 doesn't make me legible for the "gce scholarship". Eww, my O'level grades can screw me that much.
Japan trip = studio ghibli museum, mount fuji (been there in pri 2), a temple and exchange programmes!!
I might consider the other CIP trips but its gonna be japan for now. I'll probably go to cambodia or vietnam in uni next time (just like my brother :D) so hurray lets sign up for japan's trip first! I'm not even sure if I can get in since they have walk-in interviews and stuff, but heck, I'll just try!
(you guys put other countries so I can go to japan, k?)
Whatta long post, I'm gonna study for my geog test.
The last few days passed by at the speed of light; its already wednesday! I don't see myself as a very hardworking student yet, but I'm working on it! The math quiz yesterday didn't go TOO well, because conditional probability kills me. If you thought probability in sec 4 was out to kill...goodluck. (applicable to me)
Clumsy (and to a very small extent, ditsy) should be the word to describe me yesterday (or perhaps the day before). o_O
Firstly, I keep dropping my stuff at the lecture theatres (dropped my watch a level below me and had to get into an unglam pose to retrieve it. Thing was, the teacher was on that seat below mine)
Secondly, Syairah and Ebenezer witnessed my unglam fall on monday RIGHT before Sova lessons (Study of Visual Arts. Basically, its art theory). I swear that was embarrassing as hell. It was kinda drizzling that day, so I tried to run across a path to the next building. Thing was, the floor was wet.
I slipped and fell just before I could reach the next building; lecture books fell out of my hands and I forgot what kind of unglam position I was in before I crossed my legs and covered my face for around 5 seconds hahaha. Good thing my skirt didn't get wet and they look like they're gonna forget all about it in a weeks' time (at least I hope so).
Yeah, so that's fine. Its just a fall :P
Thirdly, I was rather hyperactive yesterday and my classmates said I was crazy ): I DIDN'T ACTUALLY FEEL I WAS UNTIL YOU GUYS SAID THAT OKAY. No guys, it WASN'T cause of the bus trip in the morning. -.- Happy's the word, okay.
1) Imitating accents are kinda amusing and entertaining. Throughout the day, I was trying to sound like M**K** ("if you don't brrrrrrrrinnnng your lecture notes, you'll have to stand at the back of the class!") and did alot of American/Malay/Indian/Chinese/Spanish/Australian accents. LOL.
2) I followed my classmates to their chinese lit class (and studied geog cause my back was facing the screen D:).
3) The only thing I can remember about Glenda yesterday = her laughter. That's good yo, just that the picture of moo-ing cows kept creeping into my mind cause of that. I think she was talking about her trip to somewhere and she only remembered seeing ALOT of cows there hahaha. Bekloo's laughter really contagious too ROFL she's damn funny.
4) Before maths tutorial, Ashiqin, Nadia, Atiqah, Syairah (and basically most of the girls including me) became victims of wilson's ever-so-zai hand slapping skills. You know the game where you play scissorspaperstone and the winner gets to hit the opponent? yeah. One slap on the back of my hand caused it to be red. Mindyou, it felt like a sting.
5) CT period was fine, I am gonna apply for SRGCE (global classroom experience)! Sadly, I don't get the full subsidies cause my L1R5 doesn't make me legible for the "gce scholarship". Eww, my O'level grades can screw me that much.
Japan trip = studio ghibli museum, mount fuji (been there in pri 2), a temple and exchange programmes!!
I might consider the other CIP trips but its gonna be japan for now. I'll probably go to cambodia or vietnam in uni next time (just like my brother :D) so hurray lets sign up for japan's trip first! I'm not even sure if I can get in since they have walk-in interviews and stuff, but heck, I'll just try!
(you guys put other countries so I can go to japan, k?)
Whatta long post, I'm gonna study for my geog test.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
"Dear staff & students of srjc, water supply was restored last friday. Please don't drink from taps & water coolers until further notice. You may wish to bring your own water"
Looks like we can finally use the toilets, time to ditch the PTs!! But fankly speaking, I kinda miss them.... Btw, does anybody know who sent this out?
Since its not fit for drinking (prolly half as dirty as drain water), you guys better not wear your contacts in school or you'll get eye infections for sure! O: Random.
I can't strike anything off my list yet but its time to sleep,
"Dear staff & students of srjc, water supply was restored last friday. Please don't drink from taps & water coolers until further notice. You may wish to bring your own water"
Looks like we can finally use the toilets, time to ditch the PTs!! But fankly speaking, I kinda miss them.... Btw, does anybody know who sent this out?
Since its not fit for drinking (prolly half as dirty as drain water), you guys better not wear your contacts in school or you'll get eye infections for sure! O: Random.
I can't strike anything off my list yet but its time to sleep,
Oh I forgot to blog about this.
When ky and I were studying at interchange macs (like, a week ago), I ALMOST grabbed a fry (singular of fries) from a random person passing by. Cause I bought an apple pie and didn't have enough coins for fries D:
My hand was about to take it when my mind suddenly said "NO DON'T DO THAT" hahaha. Imagine if I did .__.
Yeah you guessed it, I'm hungry. and that was random.
When ky and I were studying at interchange macs (like, a week ago), I ALMOST grabbed a fry (singular of fries) from a random person passing by. Cause I bought an apple pie and didn't have enough coins for fries D:
My hand was about to take it when my mind suddenly said "NO DON'T DO THAT" hahaha. Imagine if I did .__.
Yeah you guessed it, I'm hungry. and that was random.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Like a ghost finding its lost love;

abit off centre but still nice! :D Ali isn't here though ):

the swing I sat on while waiting for anna on friday! (and that's not emo! >:[)

My bag looked kinda lonely...

so I took my handphone out and gave it a friend. But I took it away after awhile cause It'll be bad if the lost anna (who went to serangoon gardens and some weird street) calls me and I don't answer HAHA.
When I finally got to see anna outside my school at around 230, we walked around the school & left after we saw the results, collected my sketchbook, ate at the cafe and talked crap.

Ain't this pretty! we saw this outside Eunos mrt! See, the man at the corner of the photo agrees lolll.

reminds me of china...
these are....

Portable toilets!!

Here are the people queuing. Kinda small cause I don't want them to know I'm taking a photo of the PTs, that's too retarded.
(though the whole world just found out case I posted it online anyway)

blue flushing liquid that smells fine LOL

cool squirting flush! you have to like, step on this pumping thing and the blue liquid will come out in squirts!
(and I THINK the water on the seat's clean. Not that I dared to sit on it -.-)

same for the tap!
I'm probably the only person in the school who's crazy enough to bring a camera into the toilet 8D
& also for the benefit of those who didn't dare to step into these Cubicles.
We were also discussing about how it'll be damn hilarious if they don't check the cubicles properly and take the containers away WITH SOMEBODY INSIDE AHAHHA.
mhmm, back to the school (: (field/track plus gallery)

random pictures of the school while yiting, wilson and I were at the field/track/gallery dring free period.

slanted lol

the 1 got cut off hahaha.


this is some kind of flag at the corner of the (plastic) soccer field

when the two of them saw me snapping away, they went, 'eh, never take shoes ah?'
So I take lor haha. not enough hands to make a star so here's bermuda triangle!!!
my school is a nature park....

mushrooms LOL

random anyhow shot, there are just too many trees in singpaore hmm.


this is obviously part of a tree

and this is a tiny fern.
k a little photos from yesterday at siyun's house, the rest will come soon.


whose butt???

she likes this photo so THERE YOU GO!


kk and ash! :D
some from today:


girl talks, pss pss 8D
There'll probably be MORE photos soon so...just some important events in point form.
They're mostly for my own references lol.
- pw in morning (and had free periods all the way)
- slacked with YT and W at field/gallery till 1230 while the rest were having lessons. We tried to walk out of the school at around 11 plus but the security guard didn't let us out. (obviously)
-waited 2 hours for anna, half the time I was at the bus stop, and when she confirmed she was lost in some place in serangoon, I crossed the bridge and sat on the swing for a looonng time.
- playgrounds with swings are the most romantic places ever haha! (in my case, it gave me lots of space to think during that hour ^_^)
- anna reached my school at around 235, just in time for release of results. (AJC's pretty near SRJ! :D) Saw some stats and walked around the school for a loooonngg time. Met her sister there and my school improved quite abit in general in terms of uni entrance rate and avg but its still...there I guess.
- left SR, 81-ed and met Kaiying and Ashley at Tampines mall. Saw charis there.
- trained to eunos and 155-ed to Siyun's house, where Sy and Annia were waiting.
- Chatted and caught up with each other :D Dinner was great and so were all the unglam phototaking moments HAHAHA. (more details when I post them up)
- we left at around 10 plus to 11! Totally fun and awesome friday with my bestest friends on earth :D (stares at alicia LOL)
Saturday (today)
- Late for GP makeup lessons from 8 to 10 for half and hour; my mom thought I had to reach school at 830 when it was actually 8 so I basically woke up at the wrong time
- lunched with Glenda Bekloo Sandra & Wilson at Kovan macdonalds. I LOVE MCGRIDDLES :D Trained to tampines to meet anna and ashley (sorry I toook so long!)
- We moved from tampines library to Cafe Cartel to study. Free flow of bread ftw, we DID order some fries and two drinks okay! Its a very conducive studying environment for me.
- Kaiying came by for an hour (or more) but left before we did. She looked VERY happy today :D
- Left at 4 plus or 5 cause we felt TOO paiseh from taking too much bread. Bought instand food from Shop n' save and walked over to my hosue
- watched groomer has it on animal planet. Played the piano for a itty bitty bitsy while and my skills have gone from bad to worse since I don't have the time to practise at all, and I can't play well in front of people -.- . Anna can play a part of spirited away haha!
- My mom's friend lent her slumdog millionaire dvd so ashley and I watched it. GREAT SHOW I'll blog about it soon. Anna watched it w kaiying recently so she went into my room (which explains the tag, haha). Heard the budget for the film was very low, but the story provokes emotions.
- Yeni, if we both have time lets watch it on the big screen (if you haven't already watched it)!!!!
- Girltalked (lol) till 10plus and they left my house after that.
bye seeyou i need to bathe and sleep
abit off centre but still nice! :D Ali isn't here though ):
the swing I sat on while waiting for anna on friday! (and that's not emo! >:[)
My bag looked kinda lonely...
so I took my handphone out and gave it a friend. But I took it away after awhile cause It'll be bad if the lost anna (who went to serangoon gardens and some weird street) calls me and I don't answer HAHA.
When I finally got to see anna outside my school at around 230, we walked around the school & left after we saw the results, collected my sketchbook, ate at the cafe and talked crap.
Ain't this pretty! we saw this outside Eunos mrt! See, the man at the corner of the photo agrees lolll.
reminds me of china...
these are....
Portable toilets!!
Here are the people queuing. Kinda small cause I don't want them to know I'm taking a photo of the PTs, that's too retarded.
(though the whole world just found out case I posted it online anyway)
blue flushing liquid that smells fine LOL
cool squirting flush! you have to like, step on this pumping thing and the blue liquid will come out in squirts!
(and I THINK the water on the seat's clean. Not that I dared to sit on it -.-)
same for the tap!
I'm probably the only person in the school who's crazy enough to bring a camera into the toilet 8D
& also for the benefit of those who didn't dare to step into these Cubicles.
We were also discussing about how it'll be damn hilarious if they don't check the cubicles properly and take the containers away WITH SOMEBODY INSIDE AHAHHA.
mhmm, back to the school (: (field/track plus gallery)
random pictures of the school while yiting, wilson and I were at the field/track/gallery dring free period.
slanted lol
the 1 got cut off hahaha.
this is some kind of flag at the corner of the (plastic) soccer field
when the two of them saw me snapping away, they went, 'eh, never take shoes ah?'
So I take lor haha. not enough hands to make a star so here's bermuda triangle!!!
my school is a nature park....
mushrooms LOL
random anyhow shot, there are just too many trees in singpaore hmm.
this is obviously part of a tree
and this is a tiny fern.
k a little photos from yesterday at siyun's house, the rest will come soon.
whose butt???
she likes this photo so THERE YOU GO!
kk and ash! :D
some from today:
girl talks, pss pss 8D
There'll probably be MORE photos soon so...just some important events in point form.
They're mostly for my own references lol.
- pw in morning (and had free periods all the way)
- slacked with YT and W at field/gallery till 1230 while the rest were having lessons. We tried to walk out of the school at around 11 plus but the security guard didn't let us out. (obviously)
-waited 2 hours for anna, half the time I was at the bus stop, and when she confirmed she was lost in some place in serangoon, I crossed the bridge and sat on the swing for a looonng time.
- playgrounds with swings are the most romantic places ever haha! (in my case, it gave me lots of space to think during that hour ^_^)
- anna reached my school at around 235, just in time for release of results. (AJC's pretty near SRJ! :D) Saw some stats and walked around the school for a loooonngg time. Met her sister there and my school improved quite abit in general in terms of uni entrance rate and avg but its still...there I guess.
- left SR, 81-ed and met Kaiying and Ashley at Tampines mall. Saw charis there.
- trained to eunos and 155-ed to Siyun's house, where Sy and Annia were waiting.
- Chatted and caught up with each other :D Dinner was great and so were all the unglam phototaking moments HAHAHA. (more details when I post them up)
- we left at around 10 plus to 11! Totally fun and awesome friday with my bestest friends on earth :D (stares at alicia LOL)
Saturday (today)
- Late for GP makeup lessons from 8 to 10 for half and hour; my mom thought I had to reach school at 830 when it was actually 8 so I basically woke up at the wrong time
- lunched with Glenda Bekloo Sandra & Wilson at Kovan macdonalds. I LOVE MCGRIDDLES :D Trained to tampines to meet anna and ashley (sorry I toook so long!)
- We moved from tampines library to Cafe Cartel to study. Free flow of bread ftw, we DID order some fries and two drinks okay! Its a very conducive studying environment for me.
- Kaiying came by for an hour (or more) but left before we did. She looked VERY happy today :D
- Left at 4 plus or 5 cause we felt TOO paiseh from taking too much bread. Bought instand food from Shop n' save and walked over to my hosue
- watched groomer has it on animal planet. Played the piano for a itty bitty bitsy while and my skills have gone from bad to worse since I don't have the time to practise at all, and I can't play well in front of people -.- . Anna can play a part of spirited away haha!
- My mom's friend lent her slumdog millionaire dvd so ashley and I watched it. GREAT SHOW I'll blog about it soon. Anna watched it w kaiying recently so she went into my room (which explains the tag, haha). Heard the budget for the film was very low, but the story provokes emotions.
- Yeni, if we both have time lets watch it on the big screen (if you haven't already watched it)!!!!
- Girltalked (lol) till 10plus and they left my house after that.
bye seeyou i need to bathe and sleep
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